4.2 Federal GovernmentThe Constitution Act assigns the federal government a specific set of water management responsibilities, including navigable waters, commercial fisheries and fish habitat, water on First Nations land, transboundary flows, international relations, trade and commerce, agriculture, and federal lands.1 The federal government also develops water policy. For example, refer to: Federal Water Policy. The following are some of the key federal roles and responsibilities in water management and planning:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Health Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Transport Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Over the years, the federal government has also had roles in funding infrastructure, including water, wastewater and flood protection infrastructure. In 2011, at the time this guide was completed, these functions were implemented through the Building Canada Fund, administered by Infrastructure Canada. Back to top READ MORE ABOUT: WHO DOES WHAT IN WATER |